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[Colloquium] Software for Exascale Computing and Beyond
March 24, 2015
Watch Colloquium:
Centennial Engineering Center Auditorium (CEC 1045)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015 11:00 am- 12:00 pm
Software for Exascale Computing and Beyond
Dr. Robert W. Wisniewski
Intel Corporation
The drive to exascale contains a series of challenges. The solutions that will be developed from o technology perspective are going to lend to a related set of challenges from a software perspective. Some of the key software challenges include power, reliability, and scolability. Further, while new technologies have opened the possibility of addressing some of the memory and I/O challenges, they bring the need for new software models. In this talk, I will highlight some of the challenges we are facing in achieving exascale computing. I will describe the strategy we are using to develop a software stock for this environment and provide examples areas of current research and development we are pursuing to achieve a software stack capable of exascale computing and beyond.
Dr. Robert W. Wisniewski is on ACM Distinguished Scientist ond the Chief Software Architect for Extreme Scale Computing and a Senior Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation. He has published over 67 papers in the area of high performance computing, computer systems, and system performance, filed over 55 patents, and given over 37 invited presentations. Before coming to Intel, he was the chief software architect for Blue Gene Research and manager of the Blue Gene and Exascale Research Software Team at the IBM T.J. Watson Reseorch Facility, where he was an IBM Master Inventor ond lead the software effort on Blue Gene/Q, which was the fastest machine in the world on the June 2012 Top 500 list, and occupied 4 of the top 10 positions.